
Me & My Girlfriend

I have a girlfriend. Kinda. We're in a long distance relationship. We were living together for a year back when i lived in Korea but I moved back to the U.S. and i have to wait till May till she gets back. She's not Korean if that's what you're thinking. She's also American but she's over there for the Military. Long Distance Relationships suck. Especially when you can't see the person. The closest i can get is through a webcam and that's not cool. It puts a strain on the relationship. She already has an anger problem and affection issues (without constant affection she gets crazy). I don't like to get calls with a woman yelling at me over somethin dumb like not calling her. I'm not gonna call you everyday. I have a life. She doesn't seem to notice this. I had to get her used to the fact that i have friends and i go out with them. She also gets incredibly jealous. She thinks every female i come across is tryin to have sex with me. Though this may be true because I'm a super stud, it doesn't mean I'm trying to have sex with them. I've been faithful so far why would i change? It's crossed my mind but nah. Well, she'll be back in May and we pretty much have to start over since we've been away from each other for 8 months. I wonder how that'll turn out......did i mention she was crazy and had anger problems?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is hella' funny. Hey good luck on the emotional/anger issues your girlfriend has...Your life's about to get quite interesting real soon....LMAO!!!!